
A rhythm's gate is an optional filter unit that determines whether or not an event should be passed from the pattern to the emitter. It can be used to dynamically filter out pulse events.

The default gate is a threshold gate, which passes all pulse values > 0.


Seeded probability gate, using the pattern pulse values as probability.

return rhythm {
  pattern = { 0, { 0.5, 1 }, 1, { 1, 0.8 } },
  gate = function(init_context)
    local rand = math.randomstate(12366)
    return function(context)
      return context.pulse_value > rand()
  emit = { "c4" }

A gate which filters out pulse values with on a configurable threshold.

return rhythm {
  inputs = { 
    parameter.number("threshold", 0.5, {0, 1}) 
  pattern = { 
    0.2, { 0.5, 1 }, 0.9, { 1, 0.8 } 
  gate = function(context)
    return context.pulse_value >= context.inputs.threshold
  emit = { "c4" }

See generators for more info about stateful generators and parameters about rhythm input parameters.